THAT WORKS FOR YOU. Yellow down arrow pointing to CD choices

Special CD Promo Rate for a limited time - 4.00% APY (1) 15 Month CD and IRA

Introducing promotional Certificate of Deposit (CD) offers with very competitive rates.

Choose the savings term that works for you:  9-month CD, 12-month CD, and 15-month CD.

Easily open where it's convenient for you:

1. Visit the Salem Five branch near you
2. Or, open online below


CDs can be a smart, easy financial tool to earn higher interest rates for a fixed amount of time -- with the security of having your funds insured up to allowable limits. These funds should be funds that you don’t need access to for a period of time. For more information on CDs and to determine if it’s the right tool for you, read this article.

CD Special


9-month CD

Open the 9-month CD

CD Special


12-month CD

Open the 12-month CD

CD Special


15-month CD

Open the 15-month CD

1,2 A penalty will be imposed for premature withdrawal from Certificates of Deposit (CDs). Personal accounts only. Rates stated are accurate as of today. Fees may reduce earnings. Maximum deposit amount is $500,000 for Special CDs.